Applying for a driving instructor's license
Source: BUS Rheinland-PfalzAnyone who trains persons who wish to acquire a license to drive motor vehicles requires a driving instructor's license. The driving instructor license is issued upon application in category BE and additionally in categories A, CE and DE. The applicant initially receives a candidate license. After training and passing an examination, the driving instructor license is issued.
The driving instructor license may only be used together with the driving school license or as part of an employment or training relationship with the owner of a driving school.
Training to become a driving instructor can only take place in one of the approx. 56 recognized driving instructor training centers nationwide. Not only is theoretical training required, but also practical training in a driving school.
The training is a "graduated training". In the basic level, the driving instructor license for category BE is acquired first. A two-stage application procedure is required for this. Based on this, driving instructor licenses for categories A, CE and DE can be acquired.
In order to obtain a driving instructor license, a candidate license must first be applied for.
- In order for the candidate driving instructor to be able to apply the knowledge he has just acquired at the officially recognized training center, he is issued a "candidate authorization" with limited training rights if he has previously successfully passed the practical driving test and the specialist knowledge test.
- The "Anwärterbefugnis" expires either when the driving instructor license is issued or after three unsuccessful driving tests in theoretical or practical driving lessons or after 2 years from the date of issue.
Please contact the local competent authority at the municipal administration of the municipality not belonging to an association, the association municipality administration as well as the city administration in independent and large cities belonging to a district.
Alternatively, you can contact the Single Point of Contact in Rhineland-Palatinate.The Single Point of Contact is a public office through which you can handle all administrative procedures and formalities required for the commencement and exercise of your service activity and for the recognition of a foreign professional qualification. Further information can be found on the website of the Point of Single Contact.
A driving instructor's license is issued if the applicant
- is at least 21 years old,
- is mentally, physically, professionally and pedagogically suitable. Furthermore, there should be no facts that make the applicant appear unreliable for the driving instructor profession,
- has at least completed vocational training in a recognized teaching profession or equivalent previous training,
- has been trained as a driving instructor within the last three years before the driving instructor license was issued,
- is in possession of the driving license for the category for which the driving instructor license is to be issued,
- has held a category B driving license for at least three years and, if the driving instructor license is also to be issued for category A, CE or DE, has also held a category A2, CE or D driving license for two years in each case,
- has passed an examination in accordance with driving instructor law,
- has the knowledge of the German language required to carry out the professional activity.
- Identity card or passport with registration certificate
- Original driver's license and copy or a certified copy of the driver's license
- Certificate of good conduct of document type O
- Curriculum vitae in tabular form
- Medical and ophthalmologic certificate. This must show that you are suitable for the profession of driving instructor. Depending on your personal situation, you may also be required to submit a specialist medical certificate or an expert opinion from an officially recognized assessment body, for example in the case of illnesses such as diabetes or hypertension or if you have significant entries in the central traffic register or federal central register.
- Proof of previous education: At least completed vocational training in a recognized apprenticeship after completing secondary school or equivalent previous education.
- A certificate from the officially recognized driving instructor training centre confirming the duration of the training.
- For the issue of a category BE driving instructor license, an additional certificate from the training driving school on the duration of the training completed
- Possession of the BE driving license category for at least three years. If the driving instructor license is also to be issued for category A, CE or DE, a driving license for category A2, CE or D for two years in each case.
Fee: 40,90 EURPayment in advance: noTariff item 303.2 EUR 40.90 for the issue of the driving instructor's license including the issue of the driving instructor's license Note: The driving instructor examination is conducted by a specially established examination board. The examination fee plus any examiner travel expenses cannot be bindingly stated here It is based on the respective administrative fee regulations of the federal state or on the fee regulations of the authorities responsible under federal state law.
The duration of driving instructor training is
- five and a half months in a driving instructor training center and four and a half months in a training driving school for applicants for a category BE driving instructor license
- for applicants for a category A driving instructor license, an additional month in a driving instructor training school
- for applicants for a category CE or DE driving instructor license, an additional two months in a driving instructor training school
(If the applicant for category DE holds a category CE driving instructor's license, the training period is reduced by one month; this also applies if the applicant previously held a category DE driving instructor's license for category CE).
Training at the driving instructor training center takes place in closed courses and may not be interrupted, with the exception of a period of up to one month without lessons that cannot be counted towards the duration of the training.
§ 4 FahrLG
Forms available: Yes
Written form required: Yes
Informal application possible: No
Personal appearance necessary: Yes
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