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mixins.searchInfo_searchTermApply for a residence permit to participate in the Federal Volunteer Service

Apply for a residence permit to participate in the Federal Volunteer Service

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz

The Federal Volunteer Service is a predominantly practical volunteering activity in institutions that are oriented towards the common good, particularly in social, cultural or ecological institutions in Germany. These include, for example, kindergartens, schools, care facilities, rescue services, forestry offices, theaters, museums, sports clubs and much more.

The Federal Volunteer Service lasts a minimum of six and a maximum of 18 months. As a rule, it is carried out for twelve consecutive months. Exceptionally, it can be extended up to 24 months if this can be justified as part of a special educational concept.

You will receive pocket money for your voluntary service (as of 2024: 453.00 euros per month).

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