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mixins.searchInfo_searchTermAdopt path and watercourse plan with accompanying landscape conservation plan in accordance with FlurbG

Adopt path and watercourse plan with accompanying landscape conservation plan in accordance with FlurbG

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz

Through planning, land readjustment and implementation in one hand, land consolidation in accordance with the Land Consolidation Act serves to disentangle competing land use claims in rural areas, to ensure market-oriented and environmentally friendly farming and to preserve or develop a diverse, ecologically efficient cultural landscape. At the same time, infrastructural projects of the municipalities or regions are supported.

All procedures under the Land Consolidation Act are financially supported. The exact funding depends, among other things, on the focus of the procedure and can be obtained from the responsible DLR.

The main services are briefly summarized under the following focal points. Choose the focus that suits you best.

Rural land readjustment helps to ensure the competitiveness of winegrowing businesses and to preserve the wine culture landscape that characterizes Rhineland-Palatinate by

  • Consolidation of the plots of land, taking into account the leased areas,
  • Optimization of the plots for full harvesting,
  • Revitalizing and preserving the terraced vineyards that characterize the landscape,
  • Preserving and extending dry stone walls,
  • Unbundling of fallow land and planted areas,
  • Improved agricultural sideline opportunities,
  • needs-oriented path networks,
  • Support for tourism programs, such as hiking trails, designation of refreshment and rest areas...
  • Construction of railroads for otherwise inaccessible steep slopes


Rural land readjustment helps to ensure the competitiveness of agricultural and forestry businesses by

  • Consolidation of plots of land, taking into account leased land,
  • improved land forms for the economical use of modern machinery,
  • needs-oriented road networks,
  • implementation of afforestation, extensification and set-aside wishes and
  • improved agricultural sideline opportunities,

Nature conservation and landscape management

Rural land readjustment contributes to sustainable nature conservation and landscape management by

  • Resolving conflicts of use,
  • Consolidation of contiguous valuable nature conservation areas,
  • new or wider riparian strips along watercourses,
  • Renaturation and planting of streams,
  • Maintaining, expanding or creating new ponds or pools,
  • Conservation of wetlands including their buffer zones,
  • Preserving and expanding dry grasslands and copses or
  • Securing hedges, walls, embankments and orchards.

Recreation and development

Rural land management supports the design of:

  • cycle paths, hiking trails, viewpoints, parks
  • sports grounds, playgrounds, tennis courts, riding facilities
  • bathing lakes, camping sites, barbecue areas

Infrastructure in communities

Rural land readjustment contributes to the improvement of village and regional infrastructure by adapting ownership and usage conditions. Land readjustment can provide fast, targeted and cost-effective assistance by

  • Adjustment of land layouts
  • Intermediate land acquisition and
  • Reduction of agri-structural impairments

Provision of land for infrastructure projects:

  • Expansion of roads, paths, village squares, parking areas
  • Retention basins, flood dams, cemetery extensions
  • Recycling centers, composting facilities, water supply facilities,
  • sewage treatment plants, landfills, substations

transportation facilities

Rural land readjustment contributes to the property, social and environmentally compatible integration of public transportation projects (bypasses, interurban roads, railroad lines, waterways, airfields, etc.) through

  • Assistance with the designation of routes and compensation areas,
  • large-scale, precautionary land acquisition, including outside the required areas,
  • the correct, timely and economical designation of the required areas and
  • Minimizing the adverse effects on land use, especially for agriculture, by reorganizing the areas along the route.

Soil and water

Rural land readjustment contributes to the sustainable protection of water and soil through a variety of measures:

  • Provision of buffer areas along watercourses,
  • safeguarding drinking water protection areas,
  • promoting ecologically appropriate land management,

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