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mixins.searchInfo_searchTermSchool-leaving certificate subsequent acquisition

School-leaving certificate subsequent acquisition

Source: BUS Rheinland-Pfalz

In Rhineland-Palatinate, it is possible to obtain the qualifications

  • vocational maturity,
  • Qualified Sekundarabschluss I (Mittlere Reife)
  • or Abitur

Catch up.

Further training to prepare for a school leaving certificate opens up new personal and professional perspectives. With the examination for non-pupils to acquire the qualification of vocational maturity, the qualification of Berufsreife can be acquired without attending a Realschule plus, a Gymnasium, an integrated comprehensive school or a vocational school.

The state promotes measures of the recognized adult education centres and state organisations of further education to obtain school leaving certificates.

The nearest responsible office to you:

Berufsbildende Schule Mainz IV Gustav-Stresemann-Wirtschaftsschule

Hechtsheimer Str. 31
55131 Mainz
06131 953030
06131 95303100
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